What Is Growth-Driven Design?

Learn how growth-driven design can revolutionise your website by focusing on continuous improvement and data-driven results.

4 min read

Why Your Website Needs Growth-Driven Design

A smarter approach to web design, growth-driven design drives optimal results and consistent growth by making continuous improvements to your website in response to feedback from user behaviour and data.

It's based on the idea that websites should be focused on the user, designed in response to feedback and evidence, and tweaked in response to new insights and a rapidly changing digital world.

In this article, we'll look deeper into growth-driven design and how you can implement it in your own company. First, let's break down why it's a better method than the traditional approach to web design.

Why Growth-Driven Design Superior

The Flaws of Traditional Design

Traditional web design has some inherent limitations. It often follows a one-shot approach, where a website is designed, built, launched... and then left to gather dust. While this might seem efficient initially, it falls short in the long run. Technology and user behaviour evolve rapidly, leaving a static website outdated and ineffective.

Furthermore, traditional design struggles with ongoing optimisation. Once launched, there's minimal opportunity to test and refine the website based on user data. Decisions are made based on assumptions or subjective opinions, hindering the site's true potential.

Benefits of Growth-Driven Design

Growth-Driven Design (GDD) flips the script on traditional website development. Here's how it benefits your business:

  • Enhanced User Experience (UX): By continuously optimising your website based on user behaviour, GDD ensures a frictionless and engaging experience for your visitors. This translates into higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Future-Proof Agility: The digital landscape is constantly changing. GDD allows your website to adapt and evolve alongside user preferences and technological advancements, keeping you ahead of the curve.

Growth-driven design is also good for business. According to the 2017 State of Growth-Driven Design Report, "agencies that used Growth-Driven Design reported seeing 16.9% more leads after 6 months and 11.2% more revenue."

Now that we've covered a few of the reasons why growth-driven design is worth investing in, let's take a look at how to implement it.

Growth-Driven Design: A 3-Step Process

Implementing growth-driven design can typically be done in three main stages. Let’s take a more in-depth look at those and how they work.

1. Research and Strategy

In this stage, you'll analyse the metrics you currently have and start gathering the data needed to put together a solid strategy for your website.

A bit part of this stage is customer research. It’s time to get to know your customers inside and out. Here are some ways to do that:

  • Talk to your customers. Send out surveys, interact with them on social media, and ask for their feedback in emails. Talk to your sales staff — they may have a closer understanding of your customers than anyone else.
  • Create buyer personas. Even if you already have these, it can be helpful to create new ones as customer profiles often change over time.
  • Map the buyer’s journey. Figure out the steps and actions your customers tend to take, from the top of the funnel to the moment they make a purchase, and beyond.
  • Test & Optimise: Make use of user testing, analysing how people behave on your site and what they find easy and challenging. This can be a highly effective, evidence-based way to learn about your customers and what they want from a website.

Once you’ve gathered the above information, it’s time to put together a strategy. Think about your goals for the website and potential challenges. Next, it’s time to create a launchpad for the site.

2. Launchpad Website

The next stage is to create a launchpad for the site. This is where you build an initial version of your website using the data you collected in the first stage to inform your decisions.

It’s important to note that this website shouldn’t be viewed as the finished product: it’s a starting point. This is the core tenet of growth-driven design, that the work is never truly finished. The growth-driven ethos is all about constant improvement and tweaking.

Here are some stages in the launch process:

  • Create page plans and flows for every main page, prioritising user needs and SEO
  • Build out your page plans into prototypes or wireframes, ready to be designed
  • Run design sprints to quickly flesh out those prototypes and gather feedback
  • Add the finishing touches such as coding, metadata, and browser testing

3. Continuous Improvement

In growth-driven design, launching your site is just the beginning. The final part of the process involves carefully tracking, measuring, and updating your pages in response to feedback and the results of your analysis.

A good way to do this is to focus on the specific metrics you want to improve, one at a time. Build the initial features of the website according to the initial plans you made, and then track and monitor the relevant metrics to gauge how effectively your site is working.

For example, you might perform split tests to see how well your page performs with one feature versus another.

Finally, you should share findings with the wider team and implement any necessary changes to make sure your website is the best possible iteration of itself that it can be.

Challenges of Growth-Driven Design

While GDD offers significant benefits, there are some challenges to consider:

  • Cultural Shift: Implementing GDD might require a shift in your organisation's mindset. Moving from a static to an iterative approach necessitates buy-in from stakeholders and a commitment to ongoing data analysis.
  • Resource Allocation: GDD is a continuous process that requires ongoing investment in research, testing, and optimisation. Ensure you have the necessary resources allocated to sustain the long-term success of your GDD initiative.


In today's dynamic digital landscape, your website needs to be constantly evolving to meet user needs and stay ahead of the curve. Growth-Driven Design offers a data-driven, iterative approach that ensures your website remains a powerful tool for growth.

At Adonis, we can help you adopt a growth-driven approach to designing, building, and maintaining your website. We have a wealth of experience, a team of experts, and a suite of marketing tools and knowledge. Schedule a consultation today!

Derek Buntin
Derek Buntin
Derek is the driving force behind Adonis Media, a growth agency dedicated to helping businesses achieve explosive revenue growth. With over 20 years of experience in the trenches, Derek takes a data-driven approach to growth and has guided countless clients towards success, crafting data-driven strategies and implementing cutting-edge tactics. Let's connect and discuss how Adonis Media can help your business thrive!

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